Sunday, March 20, 2011

Essay part of project #3

Karrah Pfeiffer
Professor Groat
Art 105 spring 2011
Project 3

            I specifically manipulated each of the five descriptive terms to make them have a meaning. I made quiet the main focus because I’m very quiet until you get to know me, and if I’m in a situation that doesn’t need a lot of talking is a good one for me. Then I go to crazy and the meaning of crazy is when I get into something like sports or just playing games, I go crazy or when I drink or have too much sugar I usually do stupid stuff or say stuff that doesn’t make sense.  Then with friendly I’m a pretty friendly person. I’m not scared to talk and meet new people, and if you talk to me I will talk back if it isn’t awkward for everyone. With silly I have always been a silly person since I was little because I sometimes don’t think before I talk or when I text someone and it will be completely different. It makes people laugh because after I fix it, they will understand. Sometimes I’ll try to do something like eat a bunch of ice cream and I’ll get a brain freeze, and I make people laugh with the faces I make with my face to get rid of the brain freeze. Loving I say I’m a loving person because I care for the people around me, and I always make sure everyone is okay. If they aren’t okay, I try to make them feel better by talking to them or by going out and doing something with them which makes them feel better.
            I made Quiet the biggest and kept it black and grey and making the value going from dark to light then outlined the Q with grey and the rest in lime green so it was completely formal and straight to the point. I used the type style cracked for Crazy because it isn’t perfect writing and when people act crazy you aren’t perfect. I used yellow, orange, and lime green for crazy because they are bright and it make it stand out from the rest when it’s above the Q. I made Silly a simple font and made it on a curvy line to make it look silly looking, and I chose the color blue because it is a primary color that leads your eye to it after crazy. With Friendly I kept it black and added a purple outline, and I wrapped it a little to make your eye go to it next. I didn’t want to change the size because I wanted a variety of different sizes and texts in the project. With Loving I made it very simple by picking a color that was a loving color. So, I chose a purple, and I overlapped the letters to make them close to each other, and I didn’t do anything with the outline of the word because sometimes simple says it all.
            My Scale in this project is the size of the words are all different. So it isn’t all just one big scale of words, but it has a scale of big to small like Silly is small and Quiet is huge and everything else is in the middle. The balance is asymmetrical because none of the words are on the same side. If you cut it in half both sides, it would be completely different. There is unity because everything comes together around the word Quiet. I used repetition by repeating Silly on the curvy line and using the same C for two different crazys. There is also a variety of different size fonts and different sizes of the words and a variety of color so it isn’t just one blob of one color. All of these design principles balanced my design and communicated my personality through the five words I used. Those words are the ones that mean the most to me, and I made them look like how I act when I use them in real life.

1 comment:

  1. Well written Karrah!
    Here’s the on-line assignment for today (since I’ve had to cancel class due to the weather)
    If you are unable to leave these comments below, please email them to me!

    1. Visit 5 of your classmates blogs at this link and leave constructive comments:

    2. Your comment must cover the following:
    Which three design principles could be considered more carefully in order to improve your (5) classmate’s overall designs, and how should these principles be specifically implemented? Be very specific to receive full credit. Remember, you are critique five (5) different projects made by five of your classmates.

    3. With each of the five (5) designs you chose for question #1, choose one (1) personality “word/term” and describe how this word could be adjusted in order to reflect its meaning more accurately. Which design principles should be implemented (and how should they be specifically used) in order to get the “word or personality term” to express its meaning more directly?

    Good luck and see you Monday!
    Professor Groat
